Research presentation: Pete Wilby

Pete Wilby discusses the problem of being a fan/participant observer. From the Centre for Media and Cultural Research weekly research seminar.

Web 2.0 Seminar

Today we delivered the first event to be delivered under the Digital Champions project. Our project partner, Digital Birmingham, invited SME businesses to attend a breakfast seminar on the topic of Web 2.0 for business. The event attracted a range of businesses form across the city, with different levels of experience with digital technology and social media. Attendees were encouraged to share experiences and formulate ideas as to how they could each use social media in their business.

Before the workshop element of the event, I gave a short presentation outlining the project, and giving ten ideas for using social media within small and medium sized businesses. The presentation is below, but you may wish to view it on slideshare where you can also view my presenter notes.

This project was part of the “Working Neighbourhood Fund – Stimulating Demand Programme 2009/11 – Web 2.0 Presence” package of support being delivered on behalf of Digital Birmingham and Birmingham City Council.