David Kane

David Kane

Senior Researcher

Contact David: [email protected]

David is a researcher based in the Social Evaluation and Research Unit (SREU), Faculty of Education, Law and Social Sciences (ELSS), Birmingham City University. He works in a number of disciplines including Higher Education research and Prisoner Health research. His other love is popular culture and he has recently completed an MPhil exploring how music fans organise online sources devoted to the object of their fandom. He is currently developing a PhD proposal to develop this thesis linking it to work on sites of popular music heritage.

David is charged with cementing links between ELSS and PME with a view to encouraging cross-faculty collaboration and, ultimately, generating research income.

Hickman, J. Kane, D. (Forthcoming) Supporting students’ learning with web 2.0; near-distance learning, social media and student choice in Higher Education. Educationalfutures.

Hickman, J. Kane, D. Reardon, A. (2011) Enabling digital participation in Higher Education. Educationalfutures 3 (2), pp.13-23

Online: http://www.educationstudies.org.uk/materials/hickman_final.pdf [Accessed 05/07/12]

Williams, J. and Kane, D (2010) The Part-Time Student’s Experience 1996-2007: An issue of identity and marginalisation? Tertiary Education and Management 16 (3), pp.183-209

Williams, J. and Kane, D., (2009): Assessment and Feedback: Institutional Experiences of Student Feedback, 1996 to 2007. Higher Education Quarterly, 63 (3), pp. 217 – 317

Kane, D, Williams, J, & Cappuccini, G (2008) Student Satisfaction Surveys: the value in taking an historical perspective. Quality in Higher Education, 14 (2) pp. 135 – 155.

Williams, J, Kane, D (2008) Exploring the National Student Survey: assessment and feedback issues. HEA. Online: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/documents/nss/NSS_assessment_and_feedback_issues.pdf [Accessed 05/07/12]

Kane, D (2007):” Vivian Stanshall, an English eccentric?” In: Englishness: Diversity, Differences and Identity, edited by Christopher Hart. Kingswinford, Midrash, pp. 71 – 87.

Hart, C, Barford, J, Kane, D (2002): Fandom and Collecting Project – The Social Organisation of Information, Position Paper 26, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on ‘Interpretative Approaches to Information Systems and Computing Research, pp. 103 – 108

Hart, C, Shoolbred, M, Butcher, D, Kane, D (1999): The bibliographical structure of fan information, Collection Building 18(2), pp. 81 – 89

Kane, D, Gorman, P (Forthcoming) Students at the heart of the system – how UK universities are responding to a new era of rising expectations and increased competition. The Social Contract of Higher Education. 34th Annual EAIR Forum in Stavanger, Norway, 5 – 8 September 2012.

Kane, D (2012) The Motorcycle as a Rock Icon. Popular Music and Automobile Culture Symposium. University of Chester, 22nd June, 2012.

Kane, D (2010) The Media has a Message: Public Perceptions of Higher Education in the UK. Paper presented at Linking Society and Universities: New Missions for Universities. 32nd Annual EAIR Forum in Valencia, Spain, 1 – 4 September 2010

Kane, D, Gorman, P (2009) Teaching, Learning and the Impact of New Technologies at HE Institutions. Paper presented at Fighting for Harmony – students, society and the academy in tune. 31st Annual EAIR Forum in Vilnius, Lithuania 23 – 26 August 2009

Kane, D., Williams, J. (2008) Assessment & Feedback – a perennial problem? Analysis in a UK context. Paper presented at Polishing the Silver: Are we really improving higher education? 30th Annual EAIR Conference, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, 24-27 Aug 2008.

Kane, D. (2007) The ill-defined nature of the research postgraduate situation: experiences of research postgraduate students. Paper presented at In Search of Identity, 29th Annual EAIR Conference, Innsbruck 26-29 Aug 2007.