Innovative Media and Music Heritage Impacting Vocational Education

Innovative Media and Music Heritage Impacting Vocational Education

We are the leaders of an EU-funded Leonardo networking project around music heritage and vocational education. Paul Long and Jez Collins are working with a  consortium of partners, including Newthinking Communications GmbH, Contemporary Music Centre Ltd, Foundation Modern Education and Science, Kpacita SCA, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, New Music Labs BV and Tampereen ammattiopisto. The project aims to create a cooperation network of organisations which involves those designing vocational courses for the music industry, those delivering vocational training to the music industry and those working in the music industry itself. Project activities will consist of consultations with trainees and their employers in the music industry; exchange visits between partners; development of results and dissemination activities.  The partnership will address Leonardo priorities around supporting improvements in innovation in vocational training practices, enhancing the attractiveness of vocational training to those in the music industry by responding to the needs of the labour market, and creating closer links between VET and working life.