What we do

Interactive Cultures brings together academics from the Birmingham Centre For Media and Cultural Research who are actively involved in research aimed at understanding how communities are built through institutionalised media channels. Much of our work is associated with new and emerging technologies, but we are as likely to study historical examples of cultures built around traditional media. We explore the ways in which groups interact and weave a culture out of communication technologies, and we use that knowledge to help professional, commercial and community bodies extend their work online.

Amongst the diverse research of this team you will find studies in popular music and radio, social media and citizen journalism, and computer games and online culture. We work particularly closely with the music and radio industry, journalism organisations of all kinds, and with education, to develop new modes of working and communicating.

Interactive Cultures is one of several research teams within the Birmingham Centre for Media & Cultural Research. The others include Screen CulturesMedia for Social Change and, Creative Enterprise and Cultural Policy.

Recent Posts

Beyond the Campus: Higher Education and the Creative Economy – 6th November, BCU

The AHRC-funded network ‘Beyond the Campus:  Higher Education and the Creative Economy’ has just launched its latest Call for Papers (See Attached Paper).

The next seminar takes place in the Birmingham School of Media at Birmingham City University on the 6th of November 2013 and is entitled “A  third space for creative arts & creative industries? The role of Higher education in creative platforms, spaces and networks“   For More information visit www.creative-campus.org.uk

  1. Searching For the Young Punk Rebels’ Leave a reply
  2. The Radio Conference A Transnational Forum 2013 Leave a reply
  3. Louis MacNeice, Radio Writer and Producer Leave a reply
  4. Report from IAMCR 2013 Conference, Dublin Leave a reply
  5. Research Seminar – July Leave a reply
  6. Communities in the Digital Age symposium Leave a reply
  7. Research Seminar Series – June – Part 2 Leave a reply
  8. Research Seminar Series – June – Part 1 Leave a reply
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