Flip cameras in the classroom – paper published

If you’re a regular visitor to this blog you might remember that several years ago we were working with colleagues from BCU’s PGCE programme on a project which used Flip video cameras in teacher training as part of academic practice.

The project ended some time ago, but Dave Kane and I developed the project report further, taking it to an internal and an external conference, and finally we submitted it as a journal article which was published earlier this month by EducationalFutures.

If you’re interested in technology in teaching and learning or just Flip cameras, do give the article a read – it’s free to download here.

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About Jon Hickman

Jon researches and publishes work on digital culture and creative industries, specifically exploring social media. This work is applied to his role as the Degree Leader for Web & New Media within our undergraduate programmes, and his teaching on the MA Social Media. His industry experience in new media also makes him a key member of our knowledge transfer team.

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