Twitter, twitter, twitter: the media are obsessed with it at the moment. Here a journalist gets excited about a Twitter back channel in a classroom environment. Wouldn’t it be better to break away from that lectern, and stop talking at people non-stop for an hour? Get human interaction working, don’t bypass it with technology. What do you think? (And yes, we do use Twitter in classes when appropriate but not as a replacement for dialogue).
Lots of us download things, but a Fox employee has been fired for downloading movies from a sister company.
Jon’s Twitter stream was awash with Ad-Busted Anti-Terror billboard designs. This is one of his favourites by Dubber. Make your own at http://jamesholden.net/billboard/
Andrew Dubber tweeted this the other day, as he says “Flawed on a number of important levels – but astonishing nevertheless”.
(Towards a) West Midlands Digital Strategy
Dave Harte is putting together a brief strategy paper about the economic opportunities available for West Midlands businesses wishing to work in the digital sector. He says “I’ve put up all the words of this report at last. It’s there for anyone to comment on: “in avoiding a technologically determinist approach the region can instead focus on creating the right conditions for innovation to flourish.”
Digital Inclusion Conference Fringe | We Share Stuff
The National Digital Inclusion Conference is in London at the end of April. A group of Birmingham bloggers (and our own Jon Hickman) are running fringe events around the main conference, including an informal evening “Tweet Up” style meeting (tickets are FREE – just follow the link for more info.